mex-itali tacos

I don't typically gravitate towards pre-prepared food options. In fact, I've probably been known in the past to scoff at them. But we all know the only constant in life is change, and since having a baby my approach to dinner has definitely morphed a bit. Yet I still think it's super important to gather around the table for a somewhat homecooked, somewhat healthy, dinner. But I'm now occasionally okay with spending a bit more money on convenience foods to make my life a tad bit easier.

As I was wandering around Costco on Sunday (why I went to Costco on a Sunday, who knows), my cart ended up containing a big bag of "super greens" and a jar of pre-made pesto. Both had caught my eye as delicious and healthy looking items, and I had the inspiration to use them together to make tacos some night this week.

Dan was a bit skeptical as he saw me prepping dinner, but I must say the end result far exceeded even my own expecations. Apparently there might be some potential for Mexican-Italian fusion?

Mex-Itali Tacos (aka Costco tacos) Serves 2-4

tortillas (~2 per person, depending on size)
olive oil
20oz prepared "super greens"
1c cannelleni beans
1/2c crumbled queso fresco
1/4c sliced radishes
lime wedges

1. Sauté greens in a generous glug of olive oil.

2. Meanwhile, char tortillas on an open flame, or warm in oven.

3. Place other ingredients in bowls, and put everything on the table, for everyone to make their own taco.