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willa turns 6!

While we were in Minnesota, Willa celebrated her sixth birthday! We had a fun celebration at the lake house where we were staying: pancakes, a walk in the woods, tubing, paddle boarding, and a dinner out of pizza and ice cream sundaes. What more could a girl want? 

Well, apparently, when you're six you ALSO want a big party the next week with all your friends, a large (borrowed) water bouncy house, gummy worms, cupcakes, and presents. So we did that to celebrate, too.

Willa decided she wanted a backyard water party, and thank goodness for our kind and generous friends because the bouncy house made the whole party! We added in some snacks, seltzers, beer and cupcakes but really I don't think anyone will remember much besides the water activity.

Willa was absolutely delighted to hang out with her friends for an afternoon in the sun. She ate a lot of gummy worms and drank a few cans of apple juice. She loved telling people about the party both before and after it occurred. Cameron, also, took full advantage of the on-loan toy, and didn't get out of the water's spray until the sun was setting.

Happy Birthday to our wild Willa!