peach melba toast

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fall outings

Yesterday, someone posted on Twitter: "Did anyone NOT go to the pumpkin patch today?" Loved it. Because it was so true. Between Facebook, Instagram, and the blogs I read, it seemed everyone was getting their fall festival on. We, actually, did not hit up anywhere over the weekend, but that's mostly because weekend crowds scare me. But not to worry. We'd done our fall outings on weekdays earlier this month. In addition to driving out of the city for some pumpkins and farm animals, we've also been doing our best to enjoy time in Denver with just one crazy toddler (vs. a crazy toddler and an infant).  So here's a recap of recent fall fun in pictures!

^^a couple of weeks ago, our playschool met at sunflower farm in longmont, co. what a place! there were so many animals to meet and feed, and plenty of other fun activities like swings and a campfire and a silo turned into a giant sandbox!^^

^^i FINALLY decided about what to do for a double stroller situation, and so after a long drive to the 'burbs during tuesday night rush hour to pick up a craigslist find, we stopped at star kitchen for dinner. we'd had takeout before and had been underwhelmed, but this time two of the three dishes we got were superb. my absolute favorite chinese dish is dry-fried green beans (干煸四季豆 gān biān sìjì dòu) , and they did an awesome version; without meat too,  which is rare! also, as willa tried to use her chopsticks to pick up a piece of tofu, she kept saying under her breath: "come here little guy."^^

^^knock on wood, but we always have the best luck at uncle. we decided to try to get in a couple saturday nights ago, and didn't have to wait at all. it was willa's first trip and she was miraculously well-behaved. an open kitchen is always a toddler pleaser. and of course we had to hit up little man for ice cream afterwards.^^

^^a pre-baby to-do not to overlook: use up about-to-expire groupons! dan and i did just that on a date night last week. my groupons took us first to abyssinia ethoipian resaturant where we enjoyed a sampling of their vegetarian dishes as well as some lamb. and then, despite a high level of fullness, we went to high point creamery for an ice cream "flight" (genius idea!). the winner was the basil with blackberries, which we selected for our take-home pint. gotta love groupons. things you don't even know you need! (sidenote: i think the theme of this pregnancy is lots and lots of ice cream.)^^

^^we hit up rock creek farm with friends last week to pick our pumpkins. there were animals too (which willa loved) and bouncy houses (which scared her), as well as sugar pumpkins to purchase (so much pie in my future!). it was fun to pick out pumpkins, and luckily i had kind friends to carry them for me. it was a beautiful, fall day that started out cold and was in the 70s by the time we were leaving midday. willa was most pleased with that dead vine she found. it's currently disintegrating in the back of my car...^^