peach melba toast

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holiday fun

Between moving and having a baby and cold/flu season, we've been spending a lot of time at home in the past few months. As I mentioned in my last post, it's sometimes hard to shake the feeling that we're not "doing things." No point in dwelling on that though; all we can do is appreciate the things we do do, and keep living life. Right? Right.

For the past few years, I've planned out advent activities for our family. Starting December 1, each day the kids pull down a little paper off the wall that tells them an activity for the day. Some are bigger, lots are small. This year we cancelled a few (like seeing Santa at Union Station), but we pulled off several other fun activities together:

We decorated the house and the tree:


We went to see Santa at our neighborhood coffee shop, and the kids actually talked to him and were willing to take a picture with him!


We wrote letters to Santa:


The "Elves" brought Cam and Willa holiday outfits, and lots of chocolate kisses throughout the month:


We threw a holiday party:


We went skating at Skyline Park and to the Christkindl Market:


We cleaned up trash around our neighborhood:


We went to Zoo Lights and everyone but me went to Blossoms of Light:


We baked gingerbread cookies and went to a cookie decorating party:


Cameron had his first holiday concert. He wore red suspenders and a bow tie.


And throughout it all, we drank A LOT of eggnog. Morning Fresh Dairy makes the best one available in Denver, IMO: